Lebanon Parenting Class

This class is over.

Lebanon Parenting Class

April 13, 2019 9:00 am
April 13, 2019 1:00 pm
1660 Leeville Pike, Lebanon, TN 37090   View map
Sherry Davidson: 615-390-7728


When you arrive, look for our red LifeBridge signs directing you to the class. We really do try to start on time, and people aren’t allowed in late, so please come 5 to 10 minutes early to get signed in.

Your instructor for this class will be Sherry Davidson and she is looking forward to meeting you! Feel free to bring in snacks and drinks as it is a relaxed atmosphere. You will receive a certificate at the end of the class to verify your attendance, and we will also file your attendance certificate with your court. Please bring your court docket number (case number, found on the front page of any of your court documents) to the class with you to ensure proper reporting to the court.

If you have any questions, feel free to call or email us and we’ll get right back to you.


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Class Details

Thank you for your registration. We hope you enjoy the seminar!

Event Contact Info:
Sherry Davidson: 615-390-7728
Email: sdavid38@bellsouth.net